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What is the #3 driver of passionate employees?

Updated: Jan 7, 2023

"Bridging the Employee Passion Deficit"

In our Intégro Research Desk white paper, “Bridging the Employee Passion Deficit”, we tested the idea that most employees are passionate about what they do, but that many are not passionate about their organisation.

In our previous update, we looked at the number 2 driver of passionate employees. Of the more than 1,000 employees in our survey sample, a significant number told us that knowing that “the work I do is meaningful because it helps my organisation fulfill its mission.” is the second most important factor.

Today, we’ll look at number 3:

“My immediate manager or supervisor trusts me and treats me with respect.”
These two concepts – TRUST and RESPECT – are critical.

As we have established over decades of research and experience, trust is the foundation of all successful business relationships.

In the absence of respect, however, trust cannot exist. Therefore at 363 we say: “it starts with respect.” You cannot hope to make progress with team members – driving productivity and retaining top talent – if you don’t demonstrate to people that you respect them.

Treating people with respect is not difficult, but it requires commitment from leaders to make a conscious effort to do it on a consistent basis. It starts with an acceptance that team members’ needs are just as important as yours. You then need to set about understanding and meeting those needs.

In our next update, we’ll look at the fourth key driver. If you don’t want to wait until then, you can use our bank of research and knowledge to improve retention and productivity in your organisation today by clicking here to download the white paper in full.

For more information on how to build a team of passionate employees, with a culture of honesty at its core, contact us today and take advantage of our industry leading experience.


The Integro and 363 CORE Teams

by George K Sawiris AFAMI

Engage George on 08 9438 1000 for a no obligation 30 min chemistry check...

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