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What is the #2 driver of passionate employees?

Updated: Jan 7, 2023

"Bridging the Employees Passion Deficit."

In our recently released Intégro Research Desk white paper, “Bridging the Employee Passion Deficit”, we tested the idea that most employees are passionate about what they do, but that many are not passionate about their organisation.

We found that a large majority were passionate – either about the organisation and/or the job. But of these employees, only roughly half were passionate about the organisation as well as the job. This wide gap – the passion deficit – underlines the hidden emotional disconnect among otherwise engaged employees and demonstrates that most organisations have plenty of scope to improve retention and productivity.

We also took the research a step further to identify the key drivers of employees who are both passionate about the work they do and the organisation they work for.

In other words: what makes them tick?

In our last update we looked at the number 1 driver of passionate employees. Of the more than 1,000 employees in our survey sample, a plurality told us that “having high standards of honesty in everything we do” is the most important factor.

And now we'll look at number 2:

“The work I do is meaningful because it helps my organisation fulfill its mission.”

Over the years we have encountered this issue hundreds if not thousands of times. It should be an easy win for leaders: first, explain clearly to your team members what the organisation wants to do. Why does it exist? Then, demonstrate how their unique contribution helps the organisation get closer to fulfilling that mission.

But in the race for new business and new opportunities, we often forget to remind our employees why they are so valuable. As the research shows, failure to do so is harmful to productivity and retention. Reminding each team member how he or she helps the organisation fulfill its mission is not just the right thing to do. It is the profit-maximising thing to do!

Next week, we’ll look at the third key driver. If you don’t want to wait until next month, you can use our bank of research and knowledge to improve retention and productivity in your organisation today by clicking here to download the white paper in full.

For more information on how to build a team of passionate employees, with a culture of honesty at its core, contact us today and take advantage of our industry leading knowledge and in-depth research.


The team at Integro & 363 CORE Learning Co.

by George Sawiris AFAMI

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