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What is the #1 driver of passionate employees?

Updated: Jan 7, 2023

Bridging the Employee Passion Deficit.

Organisational Culture

In a recently released Intégro Research Desk white paper, “Bridging the Employee Passion Deficit”, it tested the idea that most employees are passionate about what they do, but that many are not passionate about their organisation. It found that a large majority were passionate – either about the organisation and/or the job.

But of these employees, only roughly half were passionate about the organisation as well as the job.

This wide gap – the passion deficit – underlines the hidden emotional disconnect among otherwise engaged employees and demonstrates that most organisations have plenty of scope to improve retention and productivity.

It also took the research a step further to identify the key drivers of employees who are both passionate about the work they do and the organisation they work for. In other words: what makes them tick? It asked the more than 1,000 employees in our survey sample what matters most to them. Their responses revealed four key drivers of passionate employees.

This week, we’ll look at number 1:
“We have high standards of honesty in everything we do.”

Seems simple, doesn’t it? How hard can it be to be honest?

Well, based on our findings, employees in many organisations do not believe their organisations demonstrate such standards.

The message to leaders is clear: if you want to retain your top talent and have them perform to the highest standards, you need to ensure the organisation demonstrates honesty. Employees at all levels see straight through attempts to cover up problems, mislead people, or, even worse, mislead customers.

"Organisations that don’t get this right face the prospect of waving goodbye to their top people." - George Sawiris

Next week, we’ll look at the second key driver. If you don’t want to wait until next month, you can click here to download the white paper. For more information on how to build a team of passionate employees, with a culture of honesty at its core, contact us today and take advantage of our industry leading experience

George Sawiris

The team at 363 CORE and Integro

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