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The Number One Employee Dissatisfaction Issue … and the 9 Key Steps to Address It.

Updated: Jan 7, 2023

An analysis of our employee survey database shows that the lowest effectiveness rating given by employees to all the issues we explore concerns is:
Lack of involvement in team planning and objective setting

Yet, this is one of the most important ways to help employees be fully engaged with its team and their organisation.

Employees worldwide rate this issue as only 30% effective. In other words, many employees are not as sufficiently involved in team planning as they would like to be.

Why does this matter?

Today, leading organisations are keen to encourage the highest levels of employee engagement. Engagement means being involved, having a voice, and knowing what is going on. Leaders that exclude employees from their team planning and objective setting processes send all the wrong messages to their team.

By excluding their team, leaders can be seen to be implying that their team member views are not valued or perhaps that for some reason planning is a manager or executive function only and that because they are not a management/executive they have nothing to contribute. Clearly neither is correct. Leaders who involve their team in planning are seen as better leaders, have more effective teams and have more dedicated and focused employees.

What can be done?

This is one of the easiest organisational issues to resolve and delivers one of the greatest benefits. If you have this issue in your team or organisation, we recommend you address it.

Here are some ideas for team leaders:

  1. Sit down with your team and document existing planning and objective setting processes for your team – be detailed. Describe each step clearly.

  2. Use a whiteboard divided into two columns. Put the existing steps in the left-hand column.

  3. Now discuss each step. How could each step be improved, be more inclusive and deliver better planning outcomes?

  4. Write these ideas next to each step in the right-hand column

  5. Now stand back and look at all the steps you have – are there any missing?

  6. Add these steps.

  7. Do a final team review – are you happy with the new process. Is it more inclusive, time effective and likely to deliver better plans? Note: Involving more people in planning will result in it taking longer, but this is a time investment well worth making.

  8. Document the new process and send it to all team members

  9. Start you planning to use your new process and remember to frequently review your team plan as one of the other major employee issues is that their team plan is often out of date and doesn’t reflect changing business conditions. Your team plan should not be a static document.

Do your leaders foster an environment where people are psychologically safe?

Contact us to use our survey software, and conduct a workshop facilitation to present current analysis and create future strategies. Once aligned, then identify and input agreed actions into your post survey action-planning module and update your action plan. The system will then send you prompts and reminders and helpful hints to drive this improvement.

Contact George from 363 CORE Learning to set up a 30 minute no obligation chemistry check.

George Sawiris AFAMI

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