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5 Tips for Giving Your Boss's about trust

Updated: Jan 7, 2023

How to Give Your Boss Feedback Without Sounding Like a Jerk

Working closely with someone gives you valuable insight into that person's performance. This is especially true of your boss. But knowing whether - and how - to give your boss feedback is tough.

Now What?

The idea at work...Here are five tips to help you decide when to share your insights and when to keep quiet.

1. The relationship comes first.

The ability to give and receive upward feedback, like any other form of feedback, is dependent on the relationship between you and your boss. Without trust, the feedback will be impossible to receive. Before giving feedback, you need to gauge whether your boss will be open to what you have to say.

2. Wait or ask for permission.

Don't launch into a list of things your boss could do better. Given the nature of the relationship, it's better to wait to be asked for feedback or to inquire if your boss is open to feedback.

3. Communication style.

Create a safe environment for open dialogue. Watch your tone, sometimes giving feedback can make you feel vulnerable, and cause you to get emotional and may even sound like a jerk. Instead, develop emotional connections through their core values. talk in person.

4. Focus on your perspective and helping your boss.

Give input that will help them improve their performance. Avoid telling them what you would do if you were the boss. Be solutions-orientated and focus on what you are seeing or hearing, not what you would do. Give feedback on one thing at a time.

5. When in doubt, hold your tongue.

If you think your boss will not be receptive or if they are known to lash out at constructive criticism, you're better off keeping your mouth shut. Find other, anonymous ways such as 360-degree surveys to give your feedback.

"If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend six hours sharpening my axe." - Abraham Lincoln

by George Sawiris AFAMI - October 2018

Build a culture of feedback for your employees

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