"Through decades, I realised that I can bring opportunity to leaders, but I CANNOT bring rigorous persistence.
That's on them.
In that, the only way, I can actually help people that brings the rigorous persistence. Because when they bring persistence and I bring opportunity, growth happens. If not, regress happens..."
Leadership is about being comfortable, about being uncomfortable...is Why.
My Story
facilitator | coach | mentor | educator | writer
Through decades, I modelled my approach to see leadership through the lens of business and know that getting outstanding results requires outstanding leaders.
​It’s tragic that the ranks of leadership include hirelings who serve for paycheques, rather than purpose. Leadership is a calling, not a career.
My work over the past couple of decades has been focused on being the best I can be in the field of leadership and cultural development. Totally dedicated to helping our Human Resource Partners to gain a solid reputation within their organisations.
Working with thousands of leaders to improve their behaviour by utilising their stakeholders, colleagues and line managers to work with them in the rhythm of everyday work life.
In the corporate world where success in talent development and retention is key to sustainable growth and success, the Human Capital function plays a critical role. As a professional, its an innate desire to equip your leaders with the core (and necessary) skills to lead in a future that will undoubtedly bring challenge and change.​
I am privileged to have worked with some of the iconic business brands across a range of industries (health, education, mining, oil and gas, transport, manufacturing, construction, rail, telecommunication, retail, insurance...as well as WA Police, Air Force and WA Fire). With all levels employees, from new starters to the executive suites.
My experience also includes membership and presidential responsibilities on the Australian Institute of Training and Development in WA, Australian Marketing Institute contributing at boards.
Played and coached football with abundant team success, and evolved into a speaker and presenter to a wide range of topics and audience.
An adventurer at heart, I enjoy the outdoors, surfing, football, gym, travelling and being with my family.
My other job is writing which hopefully underpins my infinite mindset, and its still work in progress capturing my lifelong learning into a book (or 2) to ensure a legacy for next generation of talent.
"To drive my purpose...I have 3 simple goals"
1. To make a difference in people's lives
2. To drive human worth and effectiveness in the workplace
3. To help each client I work with to become organisation of choice
"My calling went from being a specialist to generalist..."
I unite data-driven insights with behavioural science, strategy and development, to close the gap between your commercial aspirations, and your ability to deliver on them.
To that end, my expertise are on:
​Organisational Strengthening (Strategy & Cultural Operating Systems)​
Leadership Strengthening (Situational Leadership II - Blanchard International US)
Team Strengthening
Psychometric Assessments - Certified Practitioner and Business Partner with:
Everything DiSC (Wiley Group - US)
Business EQ (Emotional Intelligence) Assessments (EBW Global - UK)
Stakeholder Centred Assessment & Coaching (Marshall Goldsmith - US)
Trust Inside Assessments (Integro Leadership Institute - Australia)
Workshop Facilitation
Coaching Services
VET Trainer and Assessor
"My methodology card..."
Coming together is a beginning;
Keeping together is process;
Working together is success.
Unlike traditional L&D and management consulting practices we tend to think that we work with you, not for you.
My methodology is designed to create internal strength from the inside out. Work alongside you, so rather than coming in and lifting the weight for you, I will help you build the strength to lift it yourself (and most certainly, let you know what to stop doing) - and I don’t profess to have all the knowledge. Certainly help you find the insights, the opportunities to innovate and the methodology to build and leverage your inherent expertise.
"Coaching is More Than My Work. It’s Another Calling"
They . . .
Dig deep and get to know themselves (their leadership purpose, strengths, values, impact that they are inspired to make)
Discover how they can be more agile and effective in the shifting challenges they face
Find how they can overcome the ways that they sabotage themselves
Become more grounded and confident in who they authentically are
Move purposefully toward the impact they are inspired to make in their organisations
Don't ever forget where they're from, their culture and their people that helped them get to where they are
"It's about relationships and results..."
Have a much clearer view of themselves as a leader with a greater purpose and vision
Honestly see and accept both their strengths and their shortcomings
Developing discipline and focus in addition to their motivation
Eliminating the number 1 problem, learn to stop doing their shortcomings
Are more agile to change and ambiguity
Have grown in their emotional intelligence (connection to self and others)
Are better equipped to meet the goals that are important to them and their organisation
Communicate with greater consistency, clarity, confidence, and courage to achieve trust
Have clarity on a career path that will help them be successful and fulfilled
"My performance scorecard..."
I have also hands-on leadership and management experience at all levels with large to medium global and national organisations. Proud to have achieved strong learning and development, and coaching results in Australia, Papua New Guinea and Singapore.
"Let the numbers speak from the clients…"
24000+People Developed | 9800+Coaching Hours | 1300+Events | 1400+Assessments @ 97% Satisfaction in 30+ years